Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shooting @ scary house...

Shoot for : Drama - Frontpage
Director : Kabir Bhatia
Production : Filmscape
Scene : Episode 6 (camping in hutan.. blakang umah scary ni jer..) a small role for dis upcoming drama, Frontpage... went there to shoot for episode 6, about 3 teenagers tgh camping kat luar.. n then..jengjeng... mane leh citer.. kene la tgk yer..

my role ade dialogue sket jer...but ok la tu, as long i gain experience.. rase mcm lawak pun ade.. although small role as an extra,but big for me.. one big step to stardom! huhu..
thanks to director kabir bhatia, filmscape crews..prakash,she,vidhya,others xingat name..kak jee waldrobe, zee make-up artist but my scene xde kene makeup pun..n others.. all of them r friendly n im so happy to work with em.. :)

oh ya n thanks to my cikai phone.. i was unable to take pics of set n other crews n casts.. (geramnyer..aaargh..!) ade sket tp xclear so i letak 2pics ajer in here..

shooting site : scary house in langgak bukit, setapak
sorry not clear la..

me inside d house waiting for supper...
ala kecik nyer pic ku.. nk wat camne hp nmpak slim sket la..huhu~

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Little Green Grasshopper....

I think lagi sesuai if i put d title.. BIG Green Grasshopper.. nk tau naper? let me story2 wif u.. ;p

One day i was driving my ass to work..sometimes when fuel's running low, i turunkan my car windows so i bleh enjoy the morning fresh air..

Then, suddenly... HOP! OOMAKKATAKKAUMELETUP.. ha melatah u.. (not me) saje jer biar suspens sket..huhu..

Ade sekor grasshoper yg BESAR masuk dlm kete..i was in shocked at first coz im not comfortable with flying insects..luckily dia x terbang..juz stayed there at d window.. i malas nak halau coz takut nanti dia start berterbangan dlm kete, x pasal2 i'll panic n b screaming on top of my lungs...

At first i biarkan aje.. n kdg2 i turunkan n naikkan d window but d pak belalang ni degil xnak kuar.. So, dia temankan i in d morning traffic jam...

Mr Grasshopper yg teringin naik kete..

lepak kat tingkap kermit ku..

temankan mase jam..

D best thing.. dis grasshopper xnak kuar until ptg, mase balek keje pun dia still xnak kuar.. so, almost d whole day ade dlm kete.. xlapar ke..?

after work..

almost out..!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


so comel n cuddly... fluffy lepaking wif mummy..

wait.... fluffy saw something...


attempting to pounce on mummy's hair.. reoowwwwpp..!
AAAAAOOOOUUUCCCCHHHHHHHH.... suara siapakah itu..?



Friday, May 16, 2008


My car xsampai 1 year dah 3times accident..ape la nasib. i kene accident on 14may wednesday, i kena sandwich..juz bcoz of a mat rempit menyelit in front of d first car in front of me. accident sumer time jam plak tu, on d way 2work.. obviously not my fault la. does dis mean i hv 2find new place for work? sumtimes all small things happens for a reason u know,but hopefully not la.. my colleague pun ntah percaya ke x. d prob of being stuck in a traffic jam, sumer org xsabar, u woke up early, u went out early..but in d end u arrive work late n gave bad impression 2 other colleagues n especially ur employer (if ade la).. hmm xsmpat nk amek pics coz i was too panic.. bile dah send car 2workshop baru teringat.. xper la, it was not dat bad anyway.. huhu..~ my sorry...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My First Official Shoot...! yeay..

Yeay sooooo happy.. last sunday i spent half day at titiwangsa for my first indie movie shoot.. it went well and finished early.. so officially it was my first movie..! yeayyyy... i tought 'hooperz' will be first..hehe..but this short film called 'Going Nowhere' came first for shooting... Shooting took place at the Eye of Malaysia, tasik titiwangsa.. n tepi jalan near d entrance..

Although it's just a small indie movie, but it's a big step for me... tgh sakit2 badan pun pegi jugak..i dont care, tahan ajer..actually i had netball practice d day before..dah lama xmain kan, so d next day sakit badan oo....xleh nak jln, lutut mmg sakit n lemah giler..tu la,dah gemuk sgt n dah lama x exercise,pastu main over giler....oops terkeluar tajuk plak..continue wif my shooting story... i had such great fun acting n running like pompuan gemuk gila at d streets..people were staring but who cares la..hehe...

Oh ya, tuan scriptwriter, ms cass said she will send this movie for a film festival.. im not sure which one actually...when will it be held oso im not sure.. nvm i'll just wait la kann...hehe excited! i hope ms cass (tuan scriptwriter & director) n her pal ms aini (tuan director & cameraman) will forward d director's cut asap..coz xsabar la.. mesti lawak seeing myself..hehe ;p papepun, im so happy to work with them, they're so friendly and really fun to work with.

Title of d movie : Going Nowhere.. it's a about a girl who's suddenly found herself lost trying to get her way back, n in her journey she kept on running with a mysterious lady who's trying 2help d end she found out dat....jeng jeng jeng... kite kembali lagi selepas ucapan dari sponsor kami.. (hehe secret maa..cannot tell now la...) gotcha.. ;p

Oh ya..u know wat.. d next day on monday.. my badan had gotten worse..! langsung xleh nk jalan or angkat my arms..coz it hurts so bad.. lagi teruk dari pegi gym lifting weights... mayb itz d running scene triggered d pain more..ntah la... zmn muda2 dulu xde plak camni bile main sports.. adoilaa..

Shoot for : Indie Short Film (Going Nowhere)
Director : Cass & Aini Idora
Production : Indipendent
Location : Eye of Malaysia / Tasik Titiwangsa area

Going Nowhere by Cass

ain & cass

the view from eye cafe

shooting site : the eye of malaysia

Sea Of Insanity..

I had gone through a stage of insanity,
For that moment I felt crazy,
The memory was blur and hazy,
And yet i could remember perfectly..

The sudden burst of tears frightening,
I could not believe that this could be happening,
I was pushed to the edge of my sanity,
And my thoughts were empty..

Depression is slowly progressing,
Extreme emotions are slowly mixing,
Little by little I'm losing my grasp of living,
I felt my soul was dying..

Friday, May 9, 2008

My niece & me..

iskk.. really missing my anak buahs la... my niece alya is a very sweet n playful kid..spent alot of time wif her during her stay in kl n kb.. waa really miss her..

fatty me n alya in tokdad's car..

another pic of us.. auntie dia plak yg melebih..huhu~

Me likey... Sara Bareillis 'LOVE SONG'

me likey dis song.. very simple n nice. oso very nice to make video song cover n post in youtube.. hehe. tunggguu...~ Sorry for d lag, dunno how to fix it..u guys hv 2wait for it to load first n then can enjoy d song...


*sorry la no more vid..already taken out. so u guys can watch d vids in youtube*

wat la weii....

something caught my eye today.. really surprising as i never realized it was there for like, 2months..! it was one of d comments i received in my youtube vids.. wat la wei..cari gaduh ka..

he/she said im gay? or is he referring to sumone else? makes me kinda confused here...
nak marah pun ade nie.. do i look like a gay? or mayb like a drag? do i even look like a guy? or is he asking me do i like gay men? waa really drop my 'water face' laa... i hope he'll trip on a rock n fall in bottomless firepit..hahahaha...

other comments r ok, they're all so sweet, i know im not dat good but so-so la..hehehehe..pandai ya diorang jaga my hati.. lalalala..~~~

Thursday, May 8, 2008


im so lazy to do my work..
im so sleepy n no mood..
im tired n lesu..

i wore drabby baju kurung today..

i wore baju kurung wif holes n koyak2 at d end..
i wore slippers to work..
my hair is a mess...
i didnt wear makeup..
i dont care about everything today..

wat kind of day is me..

Monday, May 5, 2008

my newborn baby nephew...

my anak buahs.. Arif Iskandar & Alya Nur...

hi..i'm Arif Iskandar....

face : mix mummy n ayah's, i hv mummy's eyes n eyelashes.. n i hv ayah's jawa nose..hehe..

hobby : suck my lil fingers n mittens. mummy always hv to change em coz they're wet

fav food : mummy's milk, milk..and milk..

likes : when people play wif me, sing to me, spoil me, n dukung me...

dislikes : to be alone..n being around strangers..

dis is me n tokdad at kb house..

dis is my sister ALYA NUR.. she likes people taking her pics..

my sister ALYA NUR counting her fingers wif ayah..

Akikah & Potong Jambul & Kenduri Doa Selamat

heyya i'm back from kb. last night's flight was quite bad, but thankfully we (me & my sis) landed safely.. hello KL..! sampai umah jer trus tido.. so sleepyyyy...

it was a tiring weekend.. but i think it was worth it.. From my last blog - Balik Kampung (,
I was told dad invited some vip frens, but luckily no vip..juz a simple kenduri, yeay..but still it was decided not to take caterers..soooo everything diy la..... a few relatives came, thanks to them it was a success. special thanks to my relatives, especially my cousin (thanks AMAN!) who helped ALOT, really appreciate wat he had done.. lagi rajin from my elder brother..malu la. Anyway, got a few shots of d kenduri.. i only have a few here, other pics are in d other camera. n also, decors i did for the baby cot... i was only able to take pics of em after d event, dah serabai... xsempat la, even mandi pun dah dtg baru sempat mandi.. ;p
n oh ya..the theme was BLUE..


hanging decor (anyone interested for decor services can ctc me ;p )

hanging decor (anyone interested for decor services can ctc me ;p )

flower garland for babycot (anyone interested for decor services can ctc me ;p )

baby cot decor (simple only, thought of adding more but too much la..)
(anyone interested for decor services can ctc me ;p )

flower garland
(anyone interested for decor services can ctc me ;p )

basket (got 2 diff designs, but managed to take photo of dis one only..)
(anyone interested for decor services can ctc me ;p )

bunga telur.. (my sis bought dis.. i dun really like it, but xpe la.. not my son's event kan..)

Anyone interested for decor services can ctc me ;p