awwww just look at them... :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Me Likey.. TAKE UR TIME by South Jordan
if ikutkan byk jer songs yg i like which got stuck in head.... tp ikut mood ler nk post ke x..ikut mood n kerajinan utk mencari video lagu n all...
so today.. is 1 song i slalu dgr from XFRESH.FM. i was seriously separuh mati thot dis is song is local.. so i mcm 'wwOOooww' dis boy is great.. another aizat in d coming.. since smtimes x inform who's d singer, or mayb i yg pekak..(cos lgpun d only i listen to radio is mornin to work n evening back from work) i pun tercari2 la dis song..(today je la rajin, last 2 weeks malas giler).
senang jer carik in youtube, n then when i found it.. LOORRRR frm states rupenyer..! d band is called SOUTH JORDAN n they're white renee ur soOOoo kelever laaaah.. -_- (clinching my teeth) dangs i really want to believe they're are frm a local band..n come to think of it...i tot XFRESH FM support locals music only..?? . . . . .
We're walking alone and you squeeze my hand
As I'm looking at you I can hardly stand
That smile gives me butterflies
How in the world did this dream come true
You're freezing me up on the third of June
You better not say goodbye
Look in your eyes and I catch my breath
No sudden moves for the fear of loss
Glimpse in the mirror and it seems so right
I say take your time with me my baby
Your touch is mine to miss
And I said take your time with me my baby
I'm holding out for this
I say I need this
You know you want this
You're falling asleep as I look ahead
The starry night that we've had
I think I'll stay so still
I'll be the one to guide you
To give you warmth beneath this moon
I'll be the one just waiting when you wake for when you wake
Look in your eyes and I catch my breath
No sudden moves for fear of loss
Glimpse in the mirror and it seems so right
I say take your time with me my baby
Your touch is mine to miss
And I said take your time with me my baby
I'm holding out for this
I say I need this
You know you want this
We're walking alone and you squeeze my hand
As I'm looking at you I can hardly stand
That smile gives me butterflies
Look in your eyes and I catch my breath
No sudden moves for the fear of loss
Glimpse in the mirror and I know it's right
I say take your time with me my baby
Your touch is mine to miss
And I said take your time with me my baby
I'm holding out for this
I say I need this
You know you want this
I say I need this
You want this
ok la now i hv smthing to write about.. starting wif my sis.. she's getting married this year, mayb after raya.. yeah i know quite last minute, cos normally ppl nak prepare 1year n blabla.. but she'll manage it.she's d independant type n wants to prepare everything on her own..
2nd, my buddy from semesta (my skool) is getting married this weekend. rafidah d uber-perfect girl from semesta.. very popular at skool, gorgeous, slim, tall, genius, top student, athlete, prefect, everything lah.. all packaged in one.. i actually missed a lot of weddings(ex semesta frens), so i'll make sure i wont miss dis one.. she's one of my best buddies (mase skool dulu ler)... n kinda miss her lar..n oso my other frens too, namo,jar,kakchik,nazilah,arnie,yaya,normy,matun,etc..etc..ramai lar.. i hope they'll come too.. nanti macam reunion plak..i hope i wont cry..haha ;p
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hmm so happy... why eh.. WHY..?? kejap2 tersenyum sorang.. kejap2 tersengih sorang.. wargh mcm nk gile.. yesterday was like (sunday), one of d happiest day i ever had for quite some time.. feeling tu macam,lalalalaaaaaa..... ;p
dis is my stupid weirdo 2days emo-diary.. (sorry if xphm..meant for me only..hahahaha ;p )
morning - moody
afternoon - normal
afternoon - happy
afternoon - sorry / worried / scared
evening - headache/bad cough/mcm nk demam/zzz
night - zzzzz/terkejut/kesian/hungry
late night - normal
late2 night - surprised, macam x caya, is dis happening???, happy, excited, crazy, super excited! SUPER DUPER EXCITED LIKE CRAZY..!!
morning - stomach ache due period,worried, excited, dunwan to go, really self concious, dunno wat to wear!!
morning - stressed, rushing, excited
afternoon - stressed, rushing, excited! nervous! drive car like drag racer
afternoon - looking for carpark, stressed, nervous, sweaty hands, happy! excited! alamak tertinggal kasut..!!
afternoon - nervous! cant breath! nak lari! excited! shy2... huhu
afternoon - empty stomach but so weird not hungry, smile, shy2, nervous, happy
noon - shy2, happyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, watch movie,happpyyyyy
noon - shy2 a bit, smile, smile,smile,happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
evening - smile, smile,smile,happpyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
night - smile, smile,smile,flattered, geram,HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
*mase sampai umah
my bro alias : merni hows ur day..
me : hehe biase jer
my bro alias : yeah riteeeeeeeeee... omg u have dat smirk!
me : mane der, dah u smile i smile la..
my bro alias : c'mon citer la, citer lain ni, dah le kuar ngan guy yg u .... if i can tell my story, y cant u.. c'mon laa...
me : ye laah....blabla (citer sket jer)...
my bro alias : OMG ur smiling non stop when ur telling me all dis.. ur glowing..! pakai make up eh..
me : wey xpakai la...
my bro alias : ur glowing...!
me : pape je la.. *senyum kambing*.. tgk ni youtube lawak giler (nk
tukar topic)
SERIOUSLY CANNOT EXPLAIN HOW I FEEL...never felt dis for quite some time..
i dunno how ehem ehem feels about it, mayb dia da biase la ramai peminat, jejaka idaman malaya..haha ;p but i duncare cos i like dis feeling in me..hehe.. syok sendiri pun, syok sendiri la.. perasan sorang2 pun prasan sorang2 la.. tepuk sblah tgn pun, tepuk je la seblah tgn.. hahahaha...gilak~
xkisah ler as long, HAPPYYYYYY..
*totally bersemangat utk mengloosekan weight cepat2..huhu