Hye all.. im thinking of a hair makeover.. i think it's time to change, kinda bored wif my current hair.. slalunyer wat rebonding jer.. now i feel like changing my hair to wavy/curls..my hair is originally wavy but not nice larr..rambut pun x bermaya..huhu.. i kinda like d kim kardashian style but dia byk rambut..!! jenis rambut byk n panjang bleh lar.. my hair ni sikit n halus2.. no fair... T_T
i've been checking out some hairstyles i lurveee dis hairdo.. n plus he oso like dat style (he tu sape??ehhe my ehem2 ler.. ;p ). Slalunyer guys suker girls yg rambut panjang straight aje kan, TATAPI dia lain..hehe..
kalau style camnie ok x? mostly camnie is DIGITAL PERM...but byk ckp digital perm cam mahal.. i found out dia ade lg satu term kalau nak wat style camnie,effect dia softer n lagi murah.. its called JAPANESE PERM.. SAPE2 TAU MANE NAK CARIK TEMPAT YG WAT JAPANESE PERM?? HELP ME..